Lewis Terman received the B.S. in Physics and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in EE from Stanford in 1956, 1958, and 1961 respectively. He joined the IBM Research Division in 1961, where he has worked on solid-state circuits, semiconductor technology, memory design and technology, digital and analog circuits, and processor design. He did two tours of duty on the Research Division technical planning staff, 1979-1980 and 1991-1993. He was manager and senior manager of groups working in MOS logic and memory design and technology, and has been involved in a number of programs leading to products. He received nine major IBM technical awards, including three Corporate awards. He was elected to the IBM Academy of Technology in 1991, and served as president in 2001-2003. He became Associate Director, IBM Research Systems Department in 2003, and retired in 2006. He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering.

IEEE Activities – (S’58-M’61-SM’74-F’75-LF’97) OFFICES: IEEE Board of Directors, 2001, 2004-05; Division I Director, 2004-05. COMMITTEES/BOARDS: Vice President Technical Activities Board, 2001; Nominations and Appointments, 1993-94; Strategic Planning, 1998-99, 2005; Awards Board, Vice Chair, 1996-97; Awards Planning and Policy, Chair, 1996-97; Proceedings of the IEEE Editorial Board, 1989-2004; Proceedings of the IEEE, Guest Co-Editor, 1995; IEEE Spectrum Editorial Board, 1999-2005; PSPB Treasurer, 2003; Technical Activities Board, Member, 1990-2002, 2004-05; Treasurer, 1995-98; Technical Meetings Committee, Chair, 1993-94; Strategic Planning and Review, Chair, 1999; Restructuring Committee, 1991-92; Ad Hoc Budget Review, Chair, 1992; Blue Ribbon Committee on Restructuring, 1996-97; TABARC, Chair, 2003-04; Society Review Committee, Chair, 1995. SOCIETIES: Solid-State Circuits: President, 1998-99; Vice President, 1997-98; Treasurer, 1989-90; IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Editor, 1974-77, Special Issue Guest Editor, 1972, 1973; Awards, Chair, 1986-87. Electron Devices: President, 1990-91; Vice President, 1988-89; Awards, Chair, 1988-89; IEEE Electron Devices Transactions, Special Issue Editorial College, 1979, 1980, 1985. Circuits & Systems: Board of Governors, 1981-83; Long Range Planning, 1995. CONFERENCES: International Solid-State Circuits Conference, Program Chair, 1983; Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications, Technical Program Co-Chair, 1985, 1987; Symposium on VLSI Technology, Chair, 1985-86, Technical Program, Chair, 1987; Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Co-Chair, 1988-89, Technical Program Co-Chair, 1987; Symposium on Low Power Electronics, Chair, 1995. AWARDS: IEEE Fellow 1975; Solid-State Circuits Technical Field Award, 1995; Electron Devices Society Distinguished Service Award, 1995.

Statement – IEEE is successful because of its excellent volunteers and staff, wide-reaching technical impact and world-wide presence. We have recovered well from the recent downturn, but there are many challenges. As president, I will focus on:

----------· Membership: Reversing the decline in Regions 1-6 and Society memberships; ------------------improving recent graduate retention; taking full advantage of increasing ------------------------membership in Regions 7-10 and understanding future implications; developing ---------------flexible membership benefits to attract new members and retain old ones; ---------------------improving response to new technologies.

----------· Finances: Developing a long-term strategy on generation and use of Reserves; ---------------reducing the deleterious impact of the Infrastructure Charge; giving -----------------------------Organizational Units (OUs) with reserves better access to their reserves.

----------· Publications: Being prepared for developments in Open Access, and working with -------------other non-profit publishers on OA; establishing a fast track for new publications; -------------reducing publication time; starting new publications for practitioners; making ----------------- IEEE the search engine of choice for Intellectual Property.

----------· Education: Developing continuing/continuous education to its fullest, especially --------------Expert Now; creating career management and career transition modules.

----------· Cooperation: Grow the spirit of cooperation across IEEE, working together to ------------------identify and meet new challenges.

I have extensive experience as a volunteer at all levels, including the Board of Directors. I have lived through major IEEE challenges and changes over several decades, and I understand how IEEE works. I am open to hearing all viewpoints, and will generate consensus, make appropriate changes, and promote cooperation across IEEE to meet our challenges.

I respectfully solicit your vote. Please visit